My Green Switch Was Flicked On

I was watching Live Earth, I said, Self, what can you do for the environment? So I created this blog. I do a fair bit but I'm running out of ideas. I'm hoping people post comments or suggestions. Let's all do a couple of things to make the EARTH better.

Things I've done to help the environment:

1 Replaced 21 light bulbs with CFL's.
2 Put a few lights on motion detectors.
3 Use a real coffee mug and silverware at my desk.
4 Only buy fair trade and/or organic coffee.
5 Only buy organic produce and meat.
6 On the 100 mile diet. (90% Compliant)
7. Use my own grocery bag.
8. Try to buy products with less packaging.
9. Switched to paperless banking/bill payment.
10 Don't use air conditioning.
11. Take public transit.
12. Unplug instant on stuff, except for VCR and alarm clock.
13. Buy only sustainable power from Bullfrog.
14. Switched to Ice Melter instead of salt.
15. Offset the rest of my emmisions with a carbon credit.

Green things I still need to do:

1 Get rid of my extra beer fridge. (I don't know about this because I brew my own and it need's to be refrigerated.)
2. Quit smoking. (OK, so I'm working on this now)
3. Buy a hybrid. (So, I couldn't buy a hybrid this time cause I had to get a work truck but, I'll limit my driving and will buy a hybrid for personal use at a later date)

Please Note: I am not a writer. Most of these articles are shared from other sources. Please use the links provided to get the whole article from the source site. Please support these sites too! We all have a role to play.

Where I'm At Now

I've decided that organic may not be the way to go. What's the sense of shipping an organic product 3,000 miles if I can find a locally produced item? OK, so it may not be organic but I guess it's a balance between chemicals to grow or chemicals to ship. I've actually found local chicken, beef, pork, lamb and goat, all naturally raised, antibiotic free and free range where applicable. I've managed to find local potatoes, yams, carrots, onions and garlic all winter. I also have a local hydroponic lettuce grower and besides lettuce he grows cucumber, bell peppers and tomatoes.

I've switched to Bullfrog Power. Bullfrog uses only environmentally sustaining power sources like wind as well as low-impact hydro-electric.

I've also discovered Guerrilla Gardening. Take over an abandoned patch and make it grow. Stay tuned.

Well this year, I've decided to post more about what I'm doing. I'll still have cool products once in a while, especially if I've tried or switched to them.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What will you do?

For the past 2 1/2 years, I've been pushing news, events and my personal options on the globing warming trend.

I originally began by describing the changes I've been making to reduce the impact that our household makes. Changing light bulbs, reducing waste, recycling, choosing environmentally responsible energy options, eating locally produced food and spreading the word to anyone that wants to know. In the end, this blog was created.

Of course, there are only so many things we can do. I quickly ran out of things to post about. The blog became a board to post other news, information and events from around the world. This relied on finding relevant articles either from my sources or those referred to me.

This year, I began trying to post more personal items but I've been having a hard time. My support of other networks takes a lot of my time but I believe they have a far greater reach.

There are a lot of things I still need to do but my current budget will not allow. I'd love to put in a solar hot water and electrical system. I'd love to produce as much electricity during the day that I use at night. But, these will have to wait a bit longer.

I've been hoping for more comments and emails from readers but, I'm not sure I have many. A few of you have contacted me in some way, so I know I have a couple of followers.

Well, today is Blog Action Day and this is my contribution.
What I want to know is, What are you going to do?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Barry,

    Since meeting you at our first experience with the Shelter Valley Folk Festival and its incredible dedication to sustainable living (not to mention fabulous music and wonderful comaraderie), our family has also taken many steps to reduce our carbon footprint and be better to Mother Earth. Here are some of the things we have done and would like to do:

    - Replaced all incandescent bulbs with CFL's
    - Increased our recycling by 70%
    - Decreased our garbage output to less than 1 bag per week (we're a family of 4)
    - Use our own recyclable grocery bags (or choose paper when we forget)
    - Purchase all our produce from local vendors (there is lots of choice in SW Ontario)
    - We've found local producers of chicken and beef
    Just to name a few.

    We hope in the future to add a wind generator to our power source so that we can use less from the grid. We stopped using our air conditioning this year and use a ceiling fan to circulate air in the house so our systems work more efficiently.

    With luck, we will continue to make changes that improve our interactions with our environment and ensure a better life for our children and future generations.


Looking forward to your comments, Barry.

I've Started The 100 Mile Diet

Here is a sample market run. Not all of this is available during the winter

All Produce was Local & Organic, Lettuce - Romaine, Red Leaf & Green Leaf
Celery, Peppers - Green, Orange, Red & PURPLE, Radish, Green Onion, Cucumber
(That's my weekly salad stuff)

Spinach, Swiss Chard, Peas, Corn, White and Sweet Potatoes
Onions, Apples, Pears
Lots more available but I didn't buy.

Dairy, All Local & Organic (Naturally Raised or Free Range)Milk (In Glass Bottles), Cheese, Butter, Eggs, Yogurt, Cottage Cheese,
Sour Cream & others available but I didn't buy.

Bread and Rolls, Organic but not all grains local. I've been baking my own too, using local if possible.

And for the Meat Eaters, All Local & Naturally Raised
Chicken - Whole, Boneless & Skinless Cuts (Other Cuts Available)
Lamb Chops (Other Cuts Available)Pork Chops (Other Cuts Available)
Beef - Steak, Ground (Other Cuts Available)
There were other products such as Goat, Emu and others that I didn't buy.

Now, I know not everything is available to all but if you can replace half of your grocery list with local products you would be doing what you can as well as telling retailers you want local products.
I know I'll have a challenge in February. There won't be as much local produce available.
I've committed to starting a greenhouse garden in my basement and growing my salad.I'll let you know how that works out.

Update: June 2,2008

February produce was a challenge but I found lettuce, bell peppers, cucumber and tomatoes, all grown locally the hydroponic way. At least I had a small salad every day.

I don't have a basement greenhouse yet but I do have a backyard garden.

More later.

Update, August 18th 2008

Well the vegetable garden was a bust. I put in a 10' X 12' garden but I don't get enough sun in my yard. We have tomatoes and peppers in containers and they are doing much better. Looks like I need a new plan.

Update, September 12,2009

So gardening at my house is out. Too shady.
I switched to Bullfrog Power a year ago. My hydro comes from wind and non destructive hydro-electric.
I gave up driving to work a year ago as well.

With a friend of mine, we started Earth Hour By The Dozen.
It's Earth Hour but we have it on the 4th Saturday of every month.

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